Just This Month


While I’ve been trying to stay on top of Instagram, it’s been pretty challenging to stay on top of my blog posts, as well. Getting settled in a new place, with new people and a new job can be daunting, but after 2.5 months I think I’m starting to get into a routine! I’ve been going out and meeting a lot of new friends and spending as much time on the beach as possible – something I never really did when living in NYC. A not so great life update – Duke got seriously injured on July 4th. His tail got caught in a door pretty badly and we were both a mess. We still hadn’t found a vet here, so to find one that was also open on July 4th (and fast) was very overwhelming. Thankfully there was an animal hospital not too far, but definitely not how we thought we’d be spending our 4th. He’s almost back to himself and his stitches come out Saturday so hopefully everything will go back to normal!


I knew I loved Charleston the moment I moved here – apparently so do many others, as it was named the #1 city in the US by Travel & Leisure for the 5th time in a row! What has been even more amazing about this town is the people in it – I’ve met so many friendly people and fellow bloggers/photographers/creatives that have welcomed me into their word and I could not be more grateful! I’m so excited for all of the adventures ahead!


Working at The Skinny Dip: Charleston Edition has been such an amazing experience! I’m happy to say that I got promoted and am now the Assistant Manager / Events & Marketing Lead! It comes with a lot more responsibility, but I am so excited to take on the challenge. I’ve also been helping out a lot with content so be sure to check out their Instagram! Even more so than just living in Charleston, working at The Skinny Dip has introduced me to so many wonderful brands and people in the area and we have so many fun and exciting projects coming your way! Check out Charleston Shop Curator’s blog post about our Girls Night Out coming up at the Dip – you will not want to miss it!


While writing this post I realized just how much I missed the actual “blog” part of blogging and not just keeping up with Instagram posts. So now that I’m back on the blogging train, be on the lookout for some fun and creative posts in the next few weeks!

For now, here are some blogs I’ve really been loving lately!





