Juja On That Beat

These past few years I’ve gotten much more into working out. I’ve realized that even by doing just 20 mins on the treadmill before work, my mood immediately improves! Elle Woods really was right when she said “exercise gives you endorphins.” While the past few weeks my schedule has been a little hectic and has not allowed me to get to the gym or a class as much as I’d like, I’m ready to get back into a good routine. Besides signing up for fun and new classes with friends, I’ve also noticed that I’m much more motivated in cute workout clothes. My mom actually introduced me to these leggings from Juja Active and less than 5 mins after seeing them I was placing my own order! I plan on doing a larger athleisure post soon, but felt I HAD to share these leggings with y’all, and some of my other favorites right now too! All pictures are shoppable and some are even on sale!

Stay tuned for more workout posts coming soon!
